What To Drink To Prevent Pregnancy Naturally?

What To Drink To Prevent Pregnancy Naturally?

What to drink to prevent pregnancy? is a matter of concern for those in search of a non-pharmacological approaches to birth control. This is true for ginger tea which has been shown to help in averting pregnancy based on its effectiveness. Some of the beverages that have negative effects on sperm include. Cranberry juice – This has been known to inhibit sperm from getting to the egg Peppermint tea – This can also decrease the mobility of the sperms. However, there are certain solutions; and one of them implies the use of apple cider vinegar – then optimal conditions for sperm cannot exist. These restricted drinks can be taken concurrently with other birth control measures to enhance its effectiveness.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy naturally?

1. Papaya

As the fruit contains enzymes that can help in averting pregnancy, this means that pregnant women must avoid the fruit. Some of the natural ways that can help prevent conception. As anyways, papayas, which are still green, contain an enzyme called papain. It is effective to adjust menstrual cycle and prevent fertilized eggs from attaching to the uterus.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy naturally? Natural methods to prevent pregnancy include drinking certain beverages, such as ginger tea, cranberry juice, and peppermint tea.

2. Ginger

Prepared tea from ginger can have contraceptive properties since it can provoke menstruation while retarding conception. However, to make ginger tea, chopped or grated ginger has to be boiled in water for 5 minutes. To avoid pregnancy, have 2 cups of filtered strong ginger tea every day by mixing the two together. However, looking at the effects of ginger tea one also needs to know that ginger tea is safe to consume and has no negative effects. Not only that, but ginger tea for skin is also effective in regulating body circulations, say menstrual periods, and the elimination of excess fats in the human body.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy after a month: Natural methods for contraception without side effects.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is also said to cause expulsion from the womb thus making it an effective deterrent to cases of pregnancy. They include the use as a spice, or as a poultice, as well as use in the formation of supplements. It is advised that one should consume cinnamon each day for pregnancy to be averted naturally – after having intercourse – until the next menses arrive. Cinnamon on its own can be consumed daily; therefore, what I do is sprinkle some of it and prepare tea with hot water to drink every morning.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy after 3 days: Natural methods for post-coital contraception with no side effects.

4. Sesame seeds

This is a general belief though wrong that sesame seeds contain natural abortifacient that can be of help to prevent a conception. Where the couple make attempts to have intercourses. They can be consumed independently at any time of the day as a snack or added to other foods and taken as a bid to avoid pregnant naturally. But, it is important to understand that there are not many academic studies available regarding the effectiveness of sesame seeds on faculties pregnancy.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy after a week? Natural Contraception Methods: Drinks to Prevent Pregnancy

5. Pineapple

Traditionally it is strongly claimed that the pineapple is beneficial for pregnancy controls by preventing the fertilized egg from implanting itself on the uterus wall- pregnancy. Another natural method that is believed to act as an effective birth control method involves taking a fresh pineapple daily for two or three days after the intercourse. One ought to note that though pineapple is a source of various nutrients, taking it is often associated with health benefits, taking large proportions of the fruit is bound to have the following consequences such as stomach upsets, diarrhea.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy after a week naturally - Ginger Tea, Dried Figs, Cinnamon, Asafoetida, and Juniper Berries are effective natural remedies.

6. Queen Anne’s lace

Native to southern Europe, Asian, and Mediterranean regions, Queen Anne’s lace, also called wild carrot, is known for possible contraception effects. It is one that you can use as a supplement or in the form of tea to avoid pregnancy when it is not desired. What this plant is said to do is stop a fertilized egg from implantation. This is due to the natural character of the plant commonly referred to as Queen Anne’s lace.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy after 2 days: Natural methods of contraception include ginger tea and cranberry juice.

7. Parsley

Parsley also said to have some more or less untoward effect like that of the contraceptive pill which has been popular these days. Knowledge and culture of this plant as a spice or even supplement is well known all over the world.

Drinks to Prevent Pregnancy After 1 Month: Natural Methods for Contraception with No Side Effects.

8. Mugwort

Among various treatments, mugwort is especially well-known as a means to protect against pregnancy in traditional medicine systems. It can be consumed in a form of tea with hot water or it can be in the form of a supplement as well.

 drink to prevent pregnancy

9. Herbal Tea

Herbal teas like pennyroyal tea and parsley tea are known to have caused abortion. They should not be drunk by women who are pregnant. While these teas are said to slow metabolism or mess with menstruation, they can bring fertility.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy home remedies? Natural Methods and Drinks for Contraception with No Side Effects

10. Vitamin C

There exists evidence that taking foods with high levels of vitamin C, mainly those fruits that are orange in color, are anti-pregnancy in nature. This is because they inhibit the secretion of progesterone, a hormone that is vital for the sustenance of pregnancy. Avoid uncover pregnancy. The above vitamin’s method of functioning is by disrupting the hormone known as progesterone which is also able to cause or prevent conception.

VITAMIN C to prevent pregnancy

As an emergency contraceptive method in cases of a condom failure, the administration of vitamin C is done with 1500 mg tablet taken two to three times a day. However, be careful since its side effects may include your taking large amounts of vitamin C. Which is not good to your body and health. One may also wish to bear it in mind that vitamin C supplements may be of no profit to those afflicted with sickle cell anemia or those taking anticoagulant drugs.

11 . Neem Tea

An example of germplasm enhancement today is Neem- an herbal plant native to the South Asian regions of the world. It has been widely employed in traditional health systems, particularly to prevent pregnancy. It has spermatocidal ingredients and may be useful in cases of pregnancy.

what to drink to prevent pregnancy after intercourse

What Should I Drink to Prevent Pregnancy in Traditional Ways?

Traditional methods of contraception have been around for centuries and are often based on cultural beliefs, herbs, and practices passed down from generation to generation. Here are some traditional methods to drink to prevent pregnancy:

1. Herbal Contraceptives

Pennyroyal is used for abortion purposes due to its effect on the fertility of a woman. LH can lead to contraction and inhibit implantation. Some examples of these crops include Queen Anne’s lace that has been used as a contraceptive in the past. They prevent pregnancy.

2. Copper T

Contraceptive use Copper as a birth control method plan B. Copper T is a small copper bearing intrauterine device used for contraception of any kind, it is placed in the uterus. In such mechanism, it acts as a sperm activator through increasing the motility and viability of sperms.

3. Calendar Method

The calendar method is concurrent with the menstrual rhythm and aims to identify period of fertility and those that are non-fertility. This method entails self-restraint and avoidance of physical contact or the use of other methods of birth control when a woman is expectant.

4. Withdrawal Method

The withdrawal technique commonly referred to as coitus interruptus entails the pulling out of the male organ before ejaculation to prevent sperm from getting into the vagina With this method, and especially for first timers, the success of the practice largely depends of the ability of the male person to exercise a lot of control and elseif he planned to deposit his sperm.

5. Breastfeeding

An effective method of birth control that works naturally is using lactational amenorrhea which brings about temporary sterility of the women upon nursing the babies. It is even more effective to give feedings only mother’s breast, it helps to postpone ovulation and contribute to the absence of pregnancy.

6. Abstinence

Chastity can also be referred to as a traditional, efficient and proven way to prevent pregnancy and other STDs. It minimizes the incidence of pregnancy every time it is regularly used.

7. Spermicides

Past methods of spermicides included such items as lemon juice, vinegar, and other herbs that were used in an attempt to eliminate or paralyze sperm before they get near the eggs.

Latest News on Preventing Pregnancy

1. Dr. Melissa Grier’s Insights

For contraception, there are hormonal and non-hormonal methods; Dr. Greer outlined different measures to avoid pregnancy when not planned.

2. Willow OB/GYN’s Recommendations

Lifestyle methods are available in addition to barrier methods, non-hormonals IUDs and sterilization, which are the various ways in fertility enhancement without drugs.

3. Lovima’s Guide on Emergency Contraception

This is derived from the conviction that every woman requires easy access to high-quality information about emergency contraception.

4. Mira Fertility Tracker’s Tips

This helps the Mira Fertility Tracker provide13 ways through which one can practice contraception which include natural methods, barriers methods, and permanent methods and additional information regarding the methods of contraception.

5. Harvard Health’s Perspective on Breastfeeding

Writing for Harvard Health, Gideon explains how breastfeeding can prevent pregnancy, in what is known as the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) and effectiveness after birth.


What to drink to prevent pregnancy? let’s discuss some of the beverages that you can take to avoid being pregnant without the use of any contraceptives. Before going any further, I would like to bar beverages that are known to have an effect on fertility; lemon juice, sugar drinks, soda, caffeine, and hibiscus extract. For instance, while lemon juice contains a natural sperm killer, sweet drinks interfere with the maturity of eggs. Soda may decrease fertility and contraceptive level while caffeine may hinder the ripening of mature eggs for conception. It has been identified that Hibiscus extract possessed anti-implantation properties. These drinks, therefore, can be used as supplementary to other contraceptives to enhance their effectiveness. However, it is crucial to seek advice from a qualified healthcare provider before adopting any of these techniques and utilizing them as treatment options.

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